Modern day media has become a generic and vital part of contemporary, everyday life. We often do not realise how important internet, television and mobile phones are until they are absent from our lives. Obviously, we would still have our ‘Old media’ such as newspapers and radio, however their actual value and use has declined dramatically in recent decades. My own personal media use has been recorded over ten days and the results will show the impact, use and relevance of both traditional and modern media avenues in the world today.
Over ten days, it is shown that I spend one quarter of my time using media. With further analysing, when this date is transferred to a pie graph, we can see that most time is spent on Facebook, General Internet Browsing and Television. Then comes Radio, and lastly - the good old fashioned newspaper.
This is an interesting discovery about my own media use, however to comprehend if this behaviour is common amongst other people, it was necessary to compare it to my fellow peers at university, as well as to my own personal survey to a wider variety of people and ages.
The first, simplified results from both surveys can be seen here:
Both surveys are completed by around the same age group:
I will be using the help of both surveys to understand these patterns of behaviour over the ten days.
The first thing to be addressed, is the obvious exceptional use of 'Facebook' - every day - twenty five hours over ten days. This accounts for 42% of my ten day media use challenge. When comparing with both surveys we can see that this type of pattern is not at all unusual.
When comparing with the classmates of JOUR1111, we can see that Facebook accounts for 91.9% of all time spent on the internet.
This behaviour lies deep within the subconsciousness of the Facebook user: it enables one to socialise and feel 'loved', allows expression of thoughts, sharing of ones life through pictures, and also it remains an easy, although probably unreliable, source of news.
As it can be seen on the following graph, JOUR1111 students highly prefer Facebook compared to Twitter or Blogging social networks:
Surprisingly, we can see through both surveys that Facebook does play a large part in obtaining news, however the disparity between Journalism students and common people can be clearly seen.
Online news seems to be the second preferred approach to obtaining news between both groups, while radio is second-last on both. However, hardcopy newspapers seem to be more revered among Journalism students, being the third preferable news outlet, while common people rated it as last on their list. Comparing this with my own personal use, I seem to fit in between both of these statistics. I enjoy the fast and easy method of reading news online, especially on Yahoo or newspaper websites. I also enjoy random news stories appearing on my Facebook timeline - this allows me to discover stories I perhaps wouldn't have before.
Additionally, television news remains to be high on my list because of its directness and its ability to delight all the senses: Read the text, see the video and hear the newsreader. Surprisingly, Television news is swapped between first and fourth place between both groups. I suppose this ties into the 'fast and easy' method of television news, which is a positive avenue of news for those who don't have a lot of time.
However, I believe Journalism students, including myself, with interest in worldwide issues and appreciation of written articles, respect and enjoy the nostalgic feel of holding a newspaper. The stories provide more insight and detail compared to cut and copy style of new media. Eighteen percent of Journalism students often bought newspapers, compared to the twelve percent of common people. Personally, I usually purchase newspapers 2-3 times a month, however I tend to read them more often than I buy them (if they are lying around). For people who wish to understand the vague, basics of breaking news, Yahoo and Facebook are ideal platforms.
Radio, in my opinion, is more of an occasional form of media, such as in the car or while cleaning to pass the time. One can mirror this onto my own behaviour,as radio is usually only played while doing other activities, therefore explaining the use of radio only three times in ten days.
This proposition is a similar situation to students in the JOUR1111 survey:
Analysing these results, it can be seen that internet related news and social networking websites are fast becoming the mainstream form of media outletting. Furthermore, with more internet-able mobile phones than ever before, news and media are now more instantly accessible in more places.
One can see in a class of 440 students, 78% are in possession of an internet enabled phone.
While modern media is a large part of our lives, it seems we still rely on television, newspapers and occasionally radio to provide us with a different angle of media and news. It is a traditional, everyday part of life as much as the new media. New media represents the globalisation and technology that defines the modern world. It creates more opportunities for different journalism careers than ever before. We have come a long way since the simple black and white newspaper advertised by the 'Extra, Extra!' boys on the corner. Although their impact and use has declined dramatically, especially among modern youth, traditional media is still admired and honoured in the world today. With the intertwining of both new and old media, people today can enjoy the best of both in the world of journalism.