Thursday, 19 April 2012

Negative affects of the media in multicultural societies

Continuing on from my last post, I would just like to re-enforce with some examples the negative affect media can have upon people, nations and the globe.

Two Case Studies


The Holocaust

Aryan children were fed propaganda in the form of a 'harmless' children's book, entitled 'The  Poisonous Mushroom', in which Jews were depicted as the mushrooms that could poison the children, and therefore - stay away. 

When we look back into the history books, no doubt we all find the German Nazi annihilation of the Jewish population of Europe during World War Two an utterly disgraceful and horrific stain on humanity.

What will also be present in the pages of those books are the various original posters, films and articles that we now know as ‘Propaganda’.  However, if we take ourselves back in time and imagine ourselves as a common, Aryan German young adult being bombarded with nothing but these media productions, what kind of affect would that have on the mind? How could all of these journalists and directors be lying to the German nation? 

While having full trust in the media, it is not surprising that such racist and derogatory mentalities were developed at that time in correspondence with Adolph Hitler’s crazed ideologies. 

It is undeniable that the media played a vital part in brainwashing the nation to believe these ludicrous claims and blindly follow the Nazis in their ‘final solution’ and the murder of over twelve million people. 

Artist portrait of the perfect Aryan family

Found in a German newspaper: on the left depicts a healthy, young German male who is working hard in the sun, while 'the
enemy' the Jew is making all the money. Notice also how is seen as fat and ugly compared to the German man.

Rwandan Genocide

The 1994 genocide in Rwanda is a common example of the role of media on conflict zones. The genocide is considered one of the most horrific catastrophes of the 20th century, and the media played a significant role both internally and internationally. Prior to the genocide, radio stations and newspapers were utilized by the perpetuators to dehumanise the impending victims, Rwanda's Tutsi minority.

"During the genocide, radio was used by the Hutu extremist conspirators to mobilise the Hutu majority, to coordinate the killings and to ensure that the plans for extermination were faithfully executed. While a series of terrible massacres of Tutsi were carried out and as the signs of ever-increasing violence grew, Rwanda was totally ignored by the international media. When the genocide came, the erratic media coverage largely conveyed the false notion of two 'tribes' of African 'savages' mindlessly slaughtering each other as they had done from time immemorial. As a result, there was little public pressure in the West for governments to intervene."                                     [Thompson, A, 2007, 'The role of Media in the Rwandan genocide', abstract]

What we must remember here, is that in both cases, the people of the nations did not consider these derogatory pieces of media as 'Propaganda'. To them, it was everyday news for the public to be exposed to.  Is this a suggestion that media itself  characterised the nature of the war and genocide in both cases? I'll leave that for you to decide. 

Other examples may include the media coverage of the Sydney Gang rapes committed by four Australian-Lebanese men. Shortly after this occurred, there was hate-filled riot demonstration, dubbed 'The Cronulla Riots'. 

It could be suggested that this case, whether the media's fault or not, focused on the fact that these men were Muslim, and therefore I feel that this emphasis on the religion of the offenders played a vital role in the riots, and created, or perpetuated, an overall hatred, racist and fear of Muslim-Australians.

CRONULLA RIOTS: White Australians violently beating down on an innocent Muslim man.

I believe it is safe to say that media has a strong impact on the minds of the readers. In such a multi-cultural country such as Australia it is important, as a journalist, to stay impartial and strive towards a racially-neutral article that does not suggest any favouritism or degrading of a particular race. This is vital if we are to to close the gap between races, culture and religion in order to live in an embracing multi-cultural, peaceful nation and make us all, regardless of background and beliefs, proud to be Australian. 

Disgrace in the Media.

Something that I found rather interesting today in my journalism tutorial, was the way two different contrasting news outlets reported on a particular incident. 

Basically, the real facts were that Augustine Miller, 38, allegedly had sex with a fourteen year old girl, with the judge deeming it was, in fact, ‘consensual’.  In early 2009, he took a drive with the deceased girl out into the desert in search for kangaroos. They ended up getting lost in the desert, both becoming lethally dehydrated. The girl died a few days after they were found.

These are two headlines posted by two different news companies:

From the ABC:

From 'The Australian':

I find this absolutely insane.

One the one hand, we have our public media ABC journalists who seem to be sympathising with Mr Miller, and staying quite true to the facts. On the other, is Debbie Guest from the Australian claiming girl dies after 'paedophile' ordeal.  He was never even 'convicted' of child sex acts!

The latter is obviously taking the scandalous, gossip-worthy avenue rather than the truthful, fair side of the story. 'The Australian's' agenda is obvious: they are warping the facts, as well as drawing on past, unrelated issues in the man's life in order to create the assumption in readers minds that Ausustine Miller is a murderous paedophile. 

Another issue associate with this case, was the utter lack of respect for Indigenous culture. It is well known that for Aboriginal peoples, it is considered pivotal that one does not see or hear the photographs  or voices of a person who has passed away. However, various newspapers blatantly plastered this little girl's photo all over the front pages, much to the disgrace of her relatives.

This is where it is easy to lose respect for different media outlets. How does one know which story to trust? My suggestion is to read different articles on the same story to gain a wider perspective. 

The saddest thing I feel in relation to the media and the public, is that people are far much more likely  to read and become interested in second article - a story that has scandal, and is published in well known,  plentiful and cheap newspapers.  

Lastly, I want to emphasise the devastating consequences false, attention-seeking articles such as the latter can have long after it is published. Besides Mr Miller being labelled a child rapist and killer, this kind of story only perpeuates, or ignites, hatred and fear towards our Indigenous culture. For me, this is one of the most disgraceful things that can be done in the Australian media.

Lecture Seven: Public Media

My investigation into commercial media left me with this quote:

“Advertisers are the real customers of commercial media cooperation, not its viewers, readers or listeners”.

Now, if that is the case, one could say that it is the complete opposite when dealing with public media.
Public media is described as being :

 ‘Media whose mission is to serve of engage the public. It is less associated with taxpayer support, it may be for profit so long as its ultimate purpose is to serve the public and not turn up a profit’.

So, it seems public media is just that: here to serve the public, without government funding or projecting advertising undertones.  To me, the journalistic aspects of public media are far more ‘honest’ and real than that compared to commercial media. It is a vital platform for true, interesting stories that delve deep into people’s lives and addressing important issues in Australia and around the globe.

We can find public media on channels such as SBS and the ABC, which give us great shows, multi-cultural programs, news from around the world and incredible, yet forgotten, foreign films. This provides the whole nation with media they can relate to, creating a better society by closing the gap and catering to all Australians. 

This has certainly persuaded me to eventually, follow a career in public media. I am much more open-minded about the contrast between the two, and in the future, will look to public media to get a more honest, realistic, and thought-out perspective of the world.

Lecture Six: Commercial Media

I'll have to admit, at the start of this lecture, I could not have told you the difference between commercial or public media (nor did I care). ALAS! Now I most certainly can tell you, and feel strongly about the real motives of commercial media, which can be described as:
'Profit driven, not government or license funded, it survives or fails on business success and its business is generating audiences'
Obviously, money is an important factor when these lucrative companies design and plan their television shows. Not only are we bombarded with numerous mind-numbing advertisements every ten minutes when watching our favourite American sitcoms, but they are deviously being smuggled into various ‘news ’programs, namely ‘Today Tonight’ on channel Seven, as well as the various morning ‘news’ programs that stream our screens that greet us every morning. Even radio programs often feel like it is 70% advertisements – where has the music gone, for god’s sake?

Do these companies really believe they are producing quality, integral programs that completely inform us of national and worldly events? Furthermore, are we, the viewers, blindly being sucked into this façade? Fair enough, these programs do give us a 2 minute, shallow report of some news-worthy stories and some weather patterns. However, this is often followed by a ten minute ad campaign about the latest mop or hair-styler.

Even when the stories are not so blatantly ‘advertising’, when we look deeper, we can see their true motives. An interview with a singer or actor can be perceived as an advertisement for their upcoming show, film or new CD. Furthermore, the absolutely pathetic ‘investigative’ journalism pieces featured on Today Tonight are often nothing more than ad campaigns: “Which Shampoo is actually damaging your locks and what brands should you be looking for?”, followed by “What foods are secretly harming your children and what is the positive alternative?”. I mean, isn’t it obvious? 

The whole idea behind these programs is enough to make one feel rather nauseous.  

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Lecture Five: The radio star is ALIVE!

Oh, blessed are we who have ears to listen with! 

This is what radio is about, listening, enjoying and taking information and interpreting it without photographs. One tragic 80's anthem may have once told you that 
"Video Killed the Radio Star"...

Well folks, i'm here to tell you that someone jumped the gun, NO, he is not dead! Radio is in fact still alive and as present in modern media as ever before. Richard Fidler from ABC's 'conversations' took to the microphone to tell us budding jouros the secrets to great radio.  

He begins to remind us that radio is completely different to television: it is a much more intimate form of media and possibly, more difficult as there are no visual aids to support what you're saying. Fidler continued his tips and divulged into the basics of the classic radio interview.

The standard radio interview is about seven minutes, unless it is a bibliographical segment, in which case could last upto an hour. In order to have an insightful and engaging interview, it is vital that the interviewer does in-depth research and is fully prepared. One must make the interviewee feel relaxed, it is important to make them laugh and to relate to their story while giving them lots of space. 

The more comfortable they feel with you, the more they will open up and engage in the conversation. Your job is to make them almost forget they are on radio, to the point where they are emotionally involved and explore, revealing the depths of their life to you and the audience. When you have acheived this, your interview will be smooth, flowing and successful, creating a bond with the interviewee while still giving the people what they want to hear. 

Steve Austin, also from ABC radio Queensland, made a statement that sparked a better understanding of the importance of radio, he proclaimed that:

"Radio is the theatre of the mind"
Austin believes that the human voice and the human ear are 'in a perfect martial relationship'. He adds his own tips for interviewing, saying that if there is something you want to discover about someone, you must pursue it continually, even if you must create different ways of asking the same question - look for emotional and thought provoking responses. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that silence can be extremely powerful. It is honest, raw and implies respect for the interviewee. 

He reinforces the fact that with radio, you are the sole entertainment. Converse the same way you would in life, be casual and real, make it easy on the listener and do not attempt to lie on air, as it is much more obvious to the audience. Drive your conversations by life experiences - things that people can admire, laugh at and relate to.

It may seem that radio is taking a back seat in the media world, however it is important to remember it is, for many people, a part of everyday life. Even if  you are listening to it in the car or while you clean your room, the messages are clear in your mind: there are no distractions. It is also popular with people who are desperately 'time poor': radio provides the important news and facts quickly and simply. 

Radio, to me, is a forgotten, yet vital part of journalism today. I have never thought of getting into the world of radio as a career, however I can now appreciate the actual brain power, personality and time it takes to make a good show. 

A good radio show has a strong connection to the human conscious, it burns into the soul and leaves you thinking long after it has ended, 

and that is something I can truly respect and admire.