Thursday, 19 April 2012

Lecture Six: Commercial Media

I'll have to admit, at the start of this lecture, I could not have told you the difference between commercial or public media (nor did I care). ALAS! Now I most certainly can tell you, and feel strongly about the real motives of commercial media, which can be described as:
'Profit driven, not government or license funded, it survives or fails on business success and its business is generating audiences'
Obviously, money is an important factor when these lucrative companies design and plan their television shows. Not only are we bombarded with numerous mind-numbing advertisements every ten minutes when watching our favourite American sitcoms, but they are deviously being smuggled into various ‘news ’programs, namely ‘Today Tonight’ on channel Seven, as well as the various morning ‘news’ programs that stream our screens that greet us every morning. Even radio programs often feel like it is 70% advertisements – where has the music gone, for god’s sake?

Do these companies really believe they are producing quality, integral programs that completely inform us of national and worldly events? Furthermore, are we, the viewers, blindly being sucked into this façade? Fair enough, these programs do give us a 2 minute, shallow report of some news-worthy stories and some weather patterns. However, this is often followed by a ten minute ad campaign about the latest mop or hair-styler.

Even when the stories are not so blatantly ‘advertising’, when we look deeper, we can see their true motives. An interview with a singer or actor can be perceived as an advertisement for their upcoming show, film or new CD. Furthermore, the absolutely pathetic ‘investigative’ journalism pieces featured on Today Tonight are often nothing more than ad campaigns: “Which Shampoo is actually damaging your locks and what brands should you be looking for?”, followed by “What foods are secretly harming your children and what is the positive alternative?”. I mean, isn’t it obvious? 

The whole idea behind these programs is enough to make one feel rather nauseous.  

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