Friday, 15 June 2012

Lecture Thirteen: Stephan Molks

In our final lecture, we were introduced to Stephan Molkonton, or as he prefers to be called, MOLK. It was a an interesting and entertaining lecture for me, not only because Steve himself has a dry and witty sense of humor, but to see someone who has actually acheived something successful with writing a blog. I have to admit, I never thought just writing thoughts in an online diary on a screen would ever get me very far. Even now, i'm looking at my blog-post count and thinking, yeah - 5 views, that is me checking it four times and the tutor marking it once. Its a lonely and depressing world for a budding jouro with nothing but a blog to pour their heart into. 

My overall blog scrutiny make me remember my woes of my 2010 year twelve maths class, where I would moan and groan about 'When are we going to use this in real life? This is pointless!". I really could have used someone to the likes of Steve to come into the classroom and see a real-life success story. Just, BOOM - in walks a handsome, young successful builder who tells of his mighty tales of fixing houses and measuring things, his career solely shaped by the fact that he completed his maths homework in grade eleven.

I had to laugh at Steve's remark when he admitted , "When I am introduced as a 'Blogger', even I cringe!". Who wants to be introduced as a 'Blogger'?  Truthfully, its an ugly word and many people have no clue as to what this actually means. This is because it is a rather new and generally unknown concept within society, especially among the older generation. However, blogging is slowly merging itself into the media world. It allows someone with no degrees and no qualifications to write about whatever they like, and receive respect and admiration from it. 

Is this fair? I'm undecided. If blogging can get you the fame, money and respect as Molks has received from his website, why should I bother getting a degree in journalism? On the other hand, blogging is only one form of formulating and receiving information. I'm one of those people that cannot yet catorgorize it as 'Journalism', Perhaps because I have too much respect for the title to throw it around at anyone who writes something, somewhere. I don't yet consider myself a journalist, not until I am writing for a company and having my articles published. Its a bit like saying, I can take pretty photos with instagram, therefore I am a photographer. 

Whatever the case, it must be remembered that blogging is just a platform for me. Like they say, in anything you do, one must start from the bottom and work their way up. Some of my fellow classmates might continue to blog long after they have their degree, making a career out of it in the trendy new media world. Some may leave it to rot in the webisphere, a reminder of what they could have been when they are serving customers at KFC. And some, like me, may look back on their blog one day and say, yeah - thats where I started. And I sucked. But it was good experience in achieving what I am today. 

So, I will try and continue with my blog whenever I feel the inspiration. I have no idea where it could lead me, and that is the exciting part about journalism. There are so many avenues it can take you on, so many opportunities to express your skills in a whole range of media platforms. Thank you, class of JOUR1111. I hope to see you all next semester and for the years to come. If not, i'll have an original fillet burger with potato and gravy on the side, thanks ;)

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